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The state of working class cinema today

Working class cinema, specifically in Western countries, is in somewhat of a crisis in modern times. We are entrenched in a repeating cycle of left wing cinema that focuses solely on the brutal rule of late stage capitalism and the tragic outcomes it has on working class families. Of course, this topic is undoubtedly crucial, using cinema to highlight harsh realities of modern existence is a necessary reminder for anyone who remains unaware; but it has almost reached a point where it feels like working class people deserve nothing more than to have our collective suffering projected on screen, reel after reel, film after film. It feels like so many films deemed "left wing" refuse to acknowledge any sort viable alternative to capitalism, or highlight the many struggles or battles that working class people have won: whether it is against their bosses, landlords or governments. Mark Fisher claimed that a critique of capitalism that only emphasises how it leads to suffering, only...

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